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Kilka słów o mnie:
Hej, to trochę wam powiem o mnie. Moim ulubionym kolorem jest czarny, fioletowy, niebieski, zielony, czerwony. ale ulubiony to czarny i czerwony. Lubie kwiaty moim ulubionym kwiatem jest czerwona róża i czerwony tulian. Nie lubię chodzić do szkoły chociaż z jednego powodu to nawet lubie z powodu na znajomych. Lubię też dyskoteki szkolne tylko jest ich w naszej szkole bardzo mało.:(
to już koniczę za komentarze odwdzięczam się. Zapraszam jeszcze do mnie na profil na photoblogu, facebooku, naszej klasie.
Yummy subject Nicolette, great post!I so agree with Susan! Love and meals srhead with the loved ones are the healers! Food and gatherings at the table, in my experience, always brought people together and gave us time to listen to each other. Conversations taught children social skills and table manners, and were sources of so many memorable moments.My own Mom established an open house that became a second home to many of my friends. There was always plenty of food for those unexpected, but welcome guests. All the good things that you learn at home you are likely to copy in your adult life. And so I did!My daughter felt comfortable bringing friends home and many begged to stay for dinner. After brief consultations with their parents, they stayed and were exposed to different foods and traditions at our household. It was fun and intimate When we moved as expats to the US almost a decade ago we got a warm welcome from the neighbors with cookies and casseroles. As much as we appreciated the gesture, after a while we longed for an invitation to their home for dinner, or drinks, or whatever! Occassions that were a way of socialize back in Europe But oftentimes, after I gave a cocktail, or a dinner party we were not invited back . What the heck, I thought! What did I do wrong?Apparently nothing! People would much rather take us to a fancy restaurant and foot the bill than serve even the simplest, home cooked meal at their place. It took me some time to understand that many Americans as lovely, vibrant and friendly they are guard their privacy and prefer an easier way going out. Maybe that's why you hear and see horror stories about the Thanksgiving dinners. Estranged families endure each others company, tensions rise and exhausted hostesses cannot wait for the ordeal to end!Of course I exaggerate a bit because it's not a standard in all American homes, but it happens often enough to mention.Those of our American friends who do allow us in the intimacy of their homes tend to be well travelled. Coincidence, any one?We do speak the same language, and I don't mean just English We CHERISH those moments more than an evening in a trendy culinary hot spot!